Friday, October 7, 2022


What is invocation?

Considering the concept of invocation…
Invocation is calling on the spirit energy as opposed to evoking, which is summoning the presence of spirit energy into tangible form. It is far more positive in energy workings, prayers, and other spiritual practices to invoke, rather than evoke. 
Invocation is calling on anything that is or has ever existed in spirit, energy, or thought. Anything you can imagine, visualize, create, think of, or believe may be invoked. Characters of stories, animal spirit, nature spirit, Saints, angels, and even mythical creatures, are all possible to be invoked. Calling on the Holy Spirit is invocation. Projecting thoughtforms is part of invocation. So called familiar/pet (not demon) spirit helpers, golem spirit protectors, are just a few types of spirit invocation that is commonly referred to. Tiki spirits and totem spirits are also types.

Why invoke?

Invocation is often used to send messages, requests, petitions, and other communications with the Divine. Invocation is also used to promote protection, wealth, positive energy and other goals. Invoking certain energies is thought to project intention and magnify your thoughts amplified to the Divine for assistance. The idea is to call on spirit to help intercede and work for your good, whether to assist a goal or help a prayer be louder. Invocation can also be symbolic, utilizing imagery to promote the idea behind a story, meaning of that symbol to focus your intention as you pray. Imagery may be a picture, a statue, something of a particular color etc. with imagery rely on imagination and the possibilities are limitless. It is all about what the image or construct means to you, to magnify your intentions and focus your prayers for your own benefit.

No, you are not worshipping the symbols you are using for expression, you are calling on the energy around you that matches your intents and goals to magnify what you want to attract into your life.

Brightest Blessings

*Side Note* in biblical reference Wizard referred to illusionist, familiar spirits referred to demons only, and mediums meant those speaking with demons Not ancestors.

Again, please stop believing ancient mistranslation, and applying it to all modern so called witches. Those that are Not purposely calling demons and practicing harm onto others, are not at all what the Bible was talking about. Also study the history, know about the mass slaughtering of innocent people, and stop persecuting everyone that is different. These so called occult practitioners are not purposely, willfully or maliciously out to hurt you or themselves. You are not even on their minds. You do not have to agree or accept them, but you also should not judge or persecute them. The occult in the Bible is not what we call occult today, these are two related but entirely different ways. Do some possibly practice the occult of the Bible? It may be possible, but they are not a majority, and persecuting everyone is just not the practice of loving and blessing others, that is the most important rule of all. Stop promoting modern day witch hunts. There are too many negative realities in the world right now, and the modern day peace loving witches are not the problem. Anything fueling hatred is not a help for saving the world. Love one another and be kind.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Witchcraft Is


Simple Principles: Incantation is a form of Prayer, as is chant and song. All supernatural, miracle, and magic things come from the Divine, and the Divine spirit is within Nature and created Nature as the Divine created and is in all things. 

A Witch is Not as defined according to the meaning of a woman who has a compact with some evil spirit who aids to establish evil things using malicious spirit for malicious ends.

In the ancient text not only was Withcraft Not always disapproved of, but the actual word intentioned in reference to evil ways was Sorcery as known by ancient Eastern Asian Mysticism (and Egyptian Illusionists acting to create fear and deception for negative and manipulative intentions). A specific form of spirit communication for answers (not messages from loved ones or ancestors), but done manipulatively and with Negative intent or Evil energies in a way that avoided asking the high Divine first, and ignoring the Holy Spirit of the higher self, was also referred to as negative witchcraft.

As long as the one higher Divine is acknowledged and understood, Witch and Witchcraft is actually turning to the transmutation Divine spirit and energy within the Divine in Nature all around us and given to us to utilize to promote positive and good into our lives for healing, joy, love and all other good things with focus in intention, projecting to the Divine from the desires of the heart for good and not for evil, for protection and not to cause harm. The key is in intention, to bless and not willfully curse. It is part of life in things such as cooking, sewing, quilting, music, art, and prayer, and Not evil at all! Making witchcraft just a part of life. 

All Forms of Prayer


Prayer - a reverent petition, praise and expression of gratitude to a Divine source in worship, thanks, blessing wish, or intentional request in hope and faith with trust and belief.

What types of prayers are known?

Prayers may be spoken or silent. All chants, incantations, declarations, affirmations, songs, meditation, visualizations, confessions, and words made with intention and especially heartfelt are all prayers.

Invoke, Praise, Trust, and Ask in Faith and with Thanksgiving. Always Ask with pure heartfelt intention including community and Divine purpose, the reason behind the why and possibly a deeper meaning beyond that, feel it, discuss it in your prayer and trust that you are heard and your needs will be met.

Believe & Receive

Know your purpose and survival will always be enabled in Faith and Trust from a grateful heart.

Brightest Blessings💗

Keep Praying💜

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