Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Prayer For Abundance and Generousity


Prayer for Covenant St. Nicholas

In gratitude we share
In faith we trust our abundance
Blessed by Grace our gifts increase
We are golden, filled with love, hope and joy
We calm the storms and banish fears
Promoting Justice and defending all that is right
Blessing the children and in our Covenant of Wealth
Our generousity blossoms a fruitful, continuous harvest,
And coming Abundance, multiplied and doubled
Praise Lord God Father, thanks onto Sachiel, Saint Nicholas, and Saint Joseph
Our whole house and family are blessed now and forevermore…
Amen, Shalom.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Everything is of the Divine

Everything is Part of the Divine

Within you, and without you (all around you and within all other living things), all you and others create, and all that is, is with Divine purpose and spirit.

Every faith, every God/dess name, Saint, Angel, holy figure, good spirit, messenger of God, and synchronicity is of God/Divine/Universe. Every prayer, meditation, chant, incantation, affirmation, manifestation practice, spell, it is all ways to pray/communicate to and of God. If God created all things, then it must be so. If we hold the truth that God is in Everything and Everywhere, there is no other way to perceive. 

Intention Determines Faith

Intention is key, Faith is key. Believing in any part of God could never be evil, it is how you use it, your intention. Do not judge others for how they pray, what path, or faith they follow. They are not acting against God, when it is all of and for God. God is patient, we should learn to be. It is good to share in what truths God has given you, and of your spiritual wisdoms and ways, but not good to expect or force these onto the one you are sharing with. God did not make us all the same, but all of God. One way may be preferred, but we can’t assume we know God’s every thought. All paths exist as part of God’s plan, and everyone’s path is different. It all fits together for the good of all. 

Love one another, and refrain from judgement.
Brightest blessings
Share in peace and for understanding compassion

Abundance is Positive

Abundance Requires Gratitude

Abundance is not forbidden, but should be felt gratefully appreciated, and overflow should be shared from the heart.

Beware the Spirit of Guilt

It is all right to be abundant, do not let the spirit of guilt overshadow and steal your joy. Greed is chasing the next big, shiny thing without first appreciating or being grateful for what you are already blessed with. In our disposable, consumer driven world, sometimes we get caught up in a current that promotes waste and we forget to be grateful. Where there is gratitude, greed does not dwell, but sometimes we judge ourselves harshly, we feel we are unworthy or feel judged by a world attempting to purify itself. Have you judged or condemned your neighbor for seemingly greed? Without knowing their heart, life story, or intentions, you should not project this spirit of guilt. It is not how much we have that makes us greedy or holy, but whether we are generous or unsharing. True it is not the stuff you have to enjoy in life, but  sharing and enjoying the stuff with a grateful heart. The time spent with loved ones, being inspired, grateful, utilizing the tools we are given to share our talents with the world, is what the stuff is all about. It is not how much or how little, to each their own, but it is your heart and intentions that matter most of all. Do not be tempted to judge yourself or others so very harshly, life is hard enough and short enough, that it is perfectly all right to be abundant and enjoy, as long as you are abundant in spirit, kindness, and generosity as well.

What is Avarice?

Avarice is the extreme greed for wealth and gain, for its sake alone. Intentions to be enabled to fulfill a purpose, be provided for, free of debt or worry, to fulfill a need, to be enabled for further generosity and charity, are not avarice! It is okay to pray for such provisions in abundance for such intentions. It is not the benign energetic tool of money, but the intention or love of it alone to exclusion of all else without Divine placed first, is what is avarice.

Brightest Abundant Blessings

Be kind💜

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